Prerequisite: Module 1. Tuition $430 if paid in full by June 23; $460 if paid in full thereafter. This class is taught in conjunction with a module 3, the following two days.
Nancy Pierson, co-creater and trainer of American Bowen Academy’s Instructor Training Program and Director of American Bowen Academy, is a certified Bowenwork practitioner and registered Bowenwork instructor and has been a bodyworker since 1990. Her warmth and sense of humor and lively, down-to-earth communication style generate a sense of knowing that one is in “good hands,” whether in the classroom or on the therapy table. Nancy grew up in Houston, relocating to Austin to attend The University of Texas, where she received a BBA in marketing. After graduating she returned to Houston and worked as a technical book editor. A move to Santa Fe brought experience in marketing for a bank holding company followed by fundraising for The Santa Fe Opera. Her ten-year stay culminated in attending the New Mexico Academy of Advanced Healing Arts, where she studied massage therapy. After leaving Santa Fe, Nancy lived and worked in Austin until 2009, when she moved to NW Arkansas, home base for her workshops on the Bowenwork technique. She also travels to conduct the workshops on request.
Nancy is a registered massage therapist, a continuing education provider in Arkansas, and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association.