Prerequisite: Module 1-3. Tuition is $430 if paid by May 13th, 2022 and $460 if paid after that date. Please call Cobalt Coy at 503-545-6248 to register or for questions.
Over the last couple decades, Cobalt learned a multitude of bodywork modalities. Not one modality was as effective as she liked to serve her broad range of clientele, until Cobalt discovered Bowenwork. The results are the most efficient and effective way to address the body’s needs while engaging its own ability to heal.
As someone active in her community, Cobalt was inspired by how Tom Bowen helped people and immediately resonated with his precise way of addressing imbalance in the body. She has experienced the healing benefits in her own body and seen it in so many of her client’s. Cobalt has seen bound toes soften and unwind, TMJ surgery avoided, and chronic pain managed. Bowenwork has been a changing force in her life.
It was a natural path to pursue teaching this phenomenal work. Cobalt’s love for teaching and sharing Bowenwork comes across in her classes. Cobalt has an amazing sense of humor, teaches to many different learning styles in an adaptable format, is charismatic and personable. Becoming an Instructor has created an opportunity for her to empower future practitioner’s, to give the gift of self-correction to the people they touch. What a powerful ripple of positive change. Bowenwork has created a simple balance in her life.
Cobalt is currently teaching in Portland, OR and is willing to travel.
Licensed Massage Therapist #15170 in Oregon. NCBTMB member, AMTA member.
Modalities of bodywork include:
Bowenwork, NVR, Tensegrity Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, Swedish Massage, Myoskeletal Release, Thai Massage, Psychotheraputic Massage, Energy Work, and Shiatsu.
Certified Massage Therapy Certification. Praxis College of Healing Arts and Sciences. 1998.
BS in Physical Education. Oklahoma Christian University. 1995.