Taught by Karin Twohig and Nancy Pierson online
Tuition is $300
Prerequisite is module 9 and current with the Academy
As Bowenwork practitioners, we may encounter a client – even perhaps ourselves – with a hernia, diastasis recti, or prolapse of internal organs, which are each pressure-related issues. This class will educate us about the forces that contribute to those medically diagnosed symptoms; we can then educate our clients to what Bowenwork can do to support a change, and what the clients can do for themselves.
We will explore how and why moving through the world with tight shoulders and tight legs and hips will pull on the structures of the abdomen and deform the connective tissue of the linea alba. This deformation can lead to hernias, prolapses, and a diastasis recti. If we look at these symptoms as a whole body issue, we can not only perform Bowenwork on our clients but partner with them to enhance awareness of alignment and the importance of movement within that alignment.
The class uses the text “Diastasis Recti – The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation”, by Katy Bowman, and is presented on the online platform Ruzuku.
Kinesthetic awareness assignments will be part of this class.
Twenty-four American Bowen Academy continuing education credit hours will be granted upon completion of this class. It is expected that two hours will be spent each week for the assigned reading and associated test. Two hours each week are also imagined for the alignment assignments and contributing to the discussion on Ruzuku, including reading others’ responses and commenting. The class will take six weeks to complete.
To enroll: https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/42424/enroll