Lindsey Helms-Koury has an Occupational Therapy assistant degree and practiced in an Outpatient setting specializing in hand therapy from 1998-2004. All while going to Massage school. She graduated from Blueridge Healing Arts Academy in 1999! And soon realized that her calling was Massage and Bodywork.
She specialized in myofasical work, and her passion was to balance the body. After 19 years experience with many continuing Education modalities under her belt. She was still searching for the treatment modality that could assist her clients in obtaining profound health and balance.
In 2017 an excited colleague and friend suggested a Bowenwork session. She was amazed at the powerful effect it had on her physical body, but even more so was the amazing effect it had on her emotional and spiritual body. She stated that it felt like being awaken from a heaviness that you did not even know was there. ” After my 1st and 2 nd sessions I felt like I wanted to set goals and achieve them, something I had not felt in a long time.
She has seen wonderful results on her clients. Results like increased balance, decreased pain and decreased anxiety. Also amazed at how well and quick it works on injuries, like plantar fasciitis to bursitis. Issues that normally take weeks or longer to heal.
“It just shows how our bodies respond better to a whisper over being yelled at.” Bowenwork iniates the healing response and our bodies want to be healed. Thankful for finding Bowework.