Teresa’s love and interest in the healing arts and belief in living a holistic healthy life has been with her for over 50 years. After 45 years of experience as a business professional at the university, not-for-profit and entrepreneurial level, she moved to Flagstaff, Arizona and started her final career. Now she is living her dream and sharing the joy of hope with clients as a Certified Professional Bowenwork Practitioner in Colorado .
Twenty-five years ago Teresa’s medical challenges, including a diagnosis of fiber cystic breast disease and structural issues from sitting at computers for many hours, led to research into holistic health solutions. No one had the answers to relieve the symptoms she suffered, and after 15 years the thought of developing breast cancer via the cysts loomed heavy. Through faith, research and persistence she discovered the truth about the imbalances of her body and implemented several holistic approaches making her recovery a reality. Finally, after 25 years and her first normal mammogram, she has found Bowenwork is her first choice for overall bodily balance and wellness.
Teresa has been a past member of Flagstaff’s Parkinson Support Group,a Northland Hospice volunteer, Further Shore Pre-Hospice Practitioner and she received additional end of life training through Danion Brinkley’s Twilight Brigade. She has also completed workshops on aging and animal bowen as a continued commitment to the knowledge needed to serve her clients.
In her twenties, spare time was spent studying herbal medicine and yoga, which then led to procuring knowledge as a Reiki and Shamballa Reiki Master. Continuing on in recent years she became a Reconnection Healing Practitioner and Medicinal Oils Certified.