I first learned of Bowenwork when our daughter, then age 14, was suffering from POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Lyme’s disease, 2 other tick infections and mononucleosis. Her amazing team of specialists could not understand why someone so young, whose diseases were caught so early, was not recovering. They were out of possibilities and postulating that she may have cancer, an autoimmune disease, or be permanently disabled. Determined to have a better outcome, I took our daughter to a Bowen practitioner. Over the next year of recovery, I noticed how often my daughter’s speed in recovery ebbed and flowed with her thoughts and emotions. That is what has led me to being both a Bowenwork practitioner and a transition coach.
Whether I am working on someone with chronic illness, an acute injury, an elite athlete, concussed, or a new born, I am constantly amazed at how effective Bowenwork is for all ages, stages, and conditions.