American Bowen Academy
Why Learn From Us
American Bowen Academy is the only internationally recognized organization in the U.S. that offers certification training for Bowen Practitioners. To date, hundreds of Bowenwork practitioners have been certified through our program and are currently practicing across the country and abroad.
American Bowen Academy
Of all bodywork modalities, Bowenwork is perhaps one of the gentlest on the practitioner as well as one of the most effective. With its minimalist application of gentle/subtle moves, professional Bowenwork practitioners can be more effective, with more clients, and even see multiple clients at once, without getting injured or burned out.
Who We Are
We are a teaching organization formed by instructors and other dedicated individuals who work together to bring Tom Bowen’s unique bodywork to the world.
Our Mission
To teach Bowenwork through a comprehensive system that supports the development of effective practitioners and instructors, and to maintain an up-to-date listing of all Professional Bowenwork Practitioners and authorized instructors.
Our Philosophy
We honor Bowen’s core principle, which is that the discerning application of gentle touch evokes a profound healing response.
National Certification Recognition
Many American Bowen Academy courses are endorsed by recognized bodywork boards from across the country, including the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, the American Occupational Therapy Association, the California Board of Registered Nursing, and the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine.
Additional Resources
For more information about Bowenwork, please visit our Library section, which includes both general background articles and research reports on the effects of Bowenwork on specific conditions.