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Continuing Education

As a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner, you’ll want to attend continuing education classes to deepen and expand your understanding of the basic work and gain new skills. Continuing education classes also offer rich opportunities to seek advice from instructors and classmates on any topic you want to know more about, such as practice-building and client cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

To maintain your skills as a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner, 32 hours of American Bowen Academy-approved continuing education is due every two years on the anniversary of your certification date. After 10 years of certification, it becomes a 4-year cycle

A minimum of 16 contact hours dedicated to revising and refining the basic skills taught in Modules 1 – 12. During 2021, due to the impact of Covid-19 on our ability to offer in-person classes, the Academy will accept online classes in lieu of the 16 contact hours.

The remaining 16 hours are “practitioner’s choice”, selected from any classes approved by American Bowen Academy and which the practitioner is qualified to attend.

Each hour of a continuing education course is equivalent to one CE credit.

Contact hours are defined as hours spent in a classroom with an American Bowen Academy-approved instructor.

Extra hours (beyond 32) in any two-year period can be carried over to the subsequent two-year period if they have been taken within the last three months of the period.

We strive to make classes affordable and available to all of our practitioners. Find our continuing education costs here

Focused Studies

Focused Study classes provide a deeper exploration of specific topics related to the application of Bowenwork to particular client populations, gaining a deeper understanding of the human body, and practice building. In the table below, click any class name to see a full description of it.

The table includes the prerequisite for each continuing education class and the number of hours of credit awarded by the American Bowen Academy and, where applicable, by one or more of the “partner” accrediting boards that are listed in the right-most four columns.

(Click on class name for description)LEVEL I500 HRSAOTACABRNOBNMNCBTMB
Anatomy and Physiology for BowenworkersHome studyNancy PiersonMod 1450 + Textbook120120 - - - -
Anatomy by the ModulesHome studyNancy PiersonMod 19066 - - - -
Anatomy and Physiology PlusHome studyEssential Training SolutionsMod 72001616 - - - -
Associate Instructor TrainingHands-on Nancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 9900323232323232
Bowenwork for the Childbearing Year, Part OneOnlineAnita TupperModule 74002432---Pending
Bowenwork for the Childbearing Year, Part TwoOnlineAnita TupperModule 74002432Pending
Bowtech ConferencesHands-onVariesMod 1Varies44 - - - -
Bowen - Inside OutTeleseminarChristos MiliankosMod 717588----
Bowenwork and the Vagus Nerve Hands-onSandra GustafsonMod 613044---4
Bowenwork and the Vagus Nerve TeleseminarTeleseminarSandra GustafsonMod 4115444
Bowenwork for Persistent PainHands-onSandra GustafsonMod 613044---4
Bowenwork for Persistent Pain TeleseminarTeleseminarSandra GustafsonMod 4115444
Bowenwork for People Living with Cancer Hands-on Sandra GustafsonMod 1240888888
Bowenwork for People Living with Cancer TeleseminarTeleseminarSandra GustafsonMod 4175666666
Bowenwork for Women's WellnessHands-on Sandra GustafsonMod 9480161616161616
Bowenwork Practice During COVID-19Home studySandra GustafsonMod 1404---
Business Skills for a Successful Bowenwork Practice Home studySandra GustafsonMod 13851630---Pending
Clinical Practice for BowenworkHands-onAll InstructorsMod 1215/4308-168-16----
Deep Anatomy: Exploring Structure and ChoiceHands-on Nancy Pierson Mod 6450161616161616
Deep Anatomy of Modules 11 and 12Hands-on Nancy Pierson Mod 114501616 -16 -16
Deep Anatomy of SP2-Part 1:Iliacus Release, Gluteal Release, Adductor Magnus Release
Home StudyNancy PiersonMod 118033
Distance BowenworkHome studyNancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 114088----
Dynamic Fascial AssessmentHands-on Nancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 94651616 -16 -16
Equine Bowen Level I - Introduction to Equine BowenworkHands-onMichelle PattersonIntroduction to Bowenwork825 (+95 for
if needed)
Equine Bowen Level II - Intermediate Equine BowenworkHands-onMichelle PattersonEquine Bowen Level I8252424
Ethics for the Bowenwork PractitionerHome studyNancy Pierson
Mod 195 + textbook88 - - - 8
Fascia: What is it and why it mattersHome studyNancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 85002480 -16 -24
Independent Home Study and Teleseminar for Bowenwork Instructor TrainingHome study
Nancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Associate Instructor1000 down payment for instructor boot camp2424248 Home study
16 Teleseminar
Independent Study for Students/PractitionersHome studyNancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 66002424 - - - -
Mind Body BowenHands-on Anne Schubert
Margaret Spicer
Mod 44301616 -16 -16
PathologyHome studyRuth WernerMod 15001660 - - -60
Review Class In PersonHands-onVariesMod 61808
Review Class TeleseminarVariesVaries85 per class hour
Small Animal BowenHands-onMichelle PattersonComing SoonTBATBA - - - -
The Core: Diastasis Recti, Hernia, and ProlapseHome studyNancy Pierson
Karin Twohig
Mod 9350242420
The Lymphatic System and BowenworkHands-onNancy PiersonMod 64501616 -16 -16
The Lymphatic System and Bowenwork Home StudyHome studyNancy PiersonMod 72501616 -16 -16
Understanding Bowenwork from an Ayurveda PerspectiveHands OnFarida IraniMod 55001616
Workplace Hygiene, Health, and SafetyHome studySandra GustafsonMod 115066 -6 - -

Additional Resources

Whether you want to learn additional Bowenwork procedures or focus on a specialized topic, we have many classes you’ll love!